Why Should You Entrust Professionals for Mobile RV Repair?

Male hands repair caravan motor home roof

For your mobile RV repair service, are you looking for a professional? Are you going to hire a layperson or be a master of DIY? Maybe that isn't a bad idea. However before you select any of these, read the advantages of hiring a pro.


Many amateurs charge their clients the regular service rate when it comes to the expense of the RV repair service. Taking advantage of the fact that most of their clients lack business expertise, amateurs have also overcharged them.

This isn't even the worse part. There is just a slight possibility that they will give you a cost-effective or sustainable solution since they are not very familiar with various repair techniques or RV goods.

For an amateur, the hourly charge is significantly low than a professional service store. The average rate for RV repair in the professional service stores can go up to $150 in Oklahoma. There are no such operating costs in the mobile RV repair industry, so their hourly fees are considerably lower.

The Period

Have you ever paid someone with no intentions to finish the job on time? There aren't a lot of amateurs committed. That is why you can never expect them to be able to complete the service soon. This is quite troubling, especially if you have plans for your RV.

Assurance Services

Inside and out, experts know the RV. They can locate serious problems you never knew existed with just one glance.

Convenient Option

If you stay in the RV, then where will you live while a shop is fixing your RV? RV stores also have an RV for multiple days, so you often have to pay for a hotel stay or become a guest of a friend or family member along with the RV repair cost. Neither alternative sounds enticing.


At times, repairing recreational vehicles can be risky. The person assigned to the job may get hurt. If he is not skilled in the trade, during the repair, he could damage some critical components in your RV. By visiting an RV store, you will prevent these issues. Their specialists are trained, experienced, certified, and insured.

Qualified RV Technician

A mobile RV repair shop also advertises that they use trained RV technicians. The truth, however is that the technicians work most often under the administration of a licensed RV tech, but they have not get certificates. Why does it matter? Since the gold standard of RV repair is certification. Don't settle for living on your RV with a jack-of-all-trades. All the direct hands-on-service at Silverado Road Services is conducted each and every time by a trained technician. See us here in Oklahoma City for RV repair if you are just about to start a trip.