Essential Tips to Maintain Your Truck in a Flawless Condition

You should transport certain additional items at the time of driving a semi-truck cross country and making effort to meet all your deadlines of delivery. So, you can just take care of the problem yourself, if you have issues in the middle of the north, and are about 50 miles from the close town.

We suggest you bring additional oil, coolant, washing fluid, DEF, a fuel filter and a fuel filter clamp. However, you have to install the new fuel filters full of diesel fuel when changing your fuel filters.

Furthermore you have to watch for overheating, oil leaks or coolant leaks as a professional driver and keep up with preventive general maintenance. Maintenance of your engine helps you to ensure this delivery on time and prevent failures. The final thing you may require s a premature failure of engine requiring a motor revision. This is a huge cost and a timely repair, which will eventually delay your delivery. To keep you on the move, preventive maintenance and fuel efficiency changes should be the top priority! See what your diesel mechanic suggests you to do.

Clean Your Engine & Truck

Whether you drive through the city or around the country, road grime, dust, and soot can make your lorry a bit chaotic. If you keep your truck clean, your service technician will notice problems before they become serious problems. For example, broken hoses, new oil leaks, coolant leaks can be seen in a clean vehicle. Furthermore, your engine will have dirty motor components like radiators and coolers. Therefore, take precautionary action to maintain things clean.

Take a look at your fluids

If it's not for motor oil, you can't furiously roll on and take miles and die a natural death. The engine moving parts are lubricated with oil. But over time it becomes contaminated and acidic and needs to be regularly altered. Failure to modify oil will minimize engine performance.

You must also keep an eye on motor coolant as important as motor oil. The absence of a topping and balancing of your coolant with appropriate chemicals help prevent motor overheating, freezing of coolant and damaging electrical activity in your cylinders. Yes, unsatisfactory coolant maintenance can lead to hole in your cylinders and dump the coolant into your cylinders!

Finally, the window washing fluid must be included. When you pass someone on a wet or snowy road, it is quite easy to get a dirty windshield, and in summer, these bugs can sweep up your windshield quite quick. Dirty shields in your reservoir are harmful and can be fixed with some fluid windshield wiper.

Regularly Change Filters

Like the cleanness of your truck, your fluid must also be clean and all your filters are integral to preventive maintenance.

  • Fuel filters must be substituted from time to time so that good, clean fuel flow to your engine is ensured. Dirty fuel filters do not circumvent and limit your engine's flow or stop it. You will notice lowered motor performance with a reduced fuel flow and a motor that doesn't start or run with completely blocked filters.

  • Oil filters make sure your oil is clean when particles that could lead to motor wear and damage are removed. Whenever you change your motor oil, your oil filters must be changed.

  • Your engine is cleaned with a clean air filter. Air filters have to be changed every now and then and the frequency part of the environment in which you operate. A dirty, obstructed air filter limits airflow and reduces engine performance.

Ask our diesel mechanic at Silverado Road Services to inspect your truck and repair it if necessary.