A Detailed Guide on Jake Brakes for The Truck Drivers

Jake Brake is a compression release brake, which helps the truck drivers in slowing down the vehicle It does not affect the service brakes. Jake brake is also known as engine brake and is used in large-scale diesel engines or in semi-trucks.

When going downhill or driving freeway off-ramps, using Jake Brakes and tires can add years to it. However, one thing that you need to keep in mind is jake brakes can result in loud noise. Therefore, it is prohibited in a few areas.

Is Jake Brake Illegal?

While driving the trucks, you might have noticed the sign ‘Engine brakes are prohibited’. It is because the jake brakes create a loud noise. This happens when compressed air is released from the exhaust. Due to the loud noise, many cities and towns come with laws that prohibit the use of jake brakes.

Engine braking is regulated in the residential areas, which are close to the interstates. Moreover, the penalties for Jake Brake being prohibited in the area are dependent on the city. However, the penalties can go up to $500 along with three months jail. There are certain exceptions to the bans of the jake brake only if the driver uses it in an emergency situation.

Can Jake Brake Hurt The Engine?

If you use it correctly, the Jake Brakes do not harm the engine. Before starting the trip, it is important for the driver to ensure that the oil is not low. Once the engine brake is used during such a condition, it can cause severe damage to the engine. In this case, you can take help of semi-truck repair in the Oklahoma City. Jake brakes when used properly extend the life of the service brake and brings no harm to the engine.

Working of a Jake Brake

It is important to understand that jake brakes work on the hydraulic system. The jake brake uses the engine’s compression for creating resistance and slows down the truck. Once the brake pedal is pressed, fluid travels from the master cylinder towards the slave cylinder. This puts pressure on the pistons.

How Can You Use a Jake Brake?

Mainly, there are two different ways of using a jake brake, you can either use it on your foot or with your hand. If you want to use it with your foot, you have to press the brake pedal as you normally do. If you want to use it with your hand, you must squeeze the brake present near the steering wheel.

Are You Still Confused About the Jake Brake?

You can call semi-truck repair for more details about the jake brakes. At Silverado Road Services, we provide the benefit of jake brakes in the trucks so that you can use it whenever necessary.

Brandon Shavers